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Journalists that are Allowed to Exercise Freedom by the US and those Who Cannot

It is quite well known that the US government applies double standards to freedom of the press issue. Despite the fact that “freedom of the press in the United States is legally protected by the First Amendment” to the US Constitution, information available to the public is not necessarily free of government interference. It would...

Vladimir Platov

Blind Faith, Subterfuge and not “Real Issues” will decide US Presidential Elections

Voter behaviour is not really so complicated. I once even took a course in it; about all that I can remember is that the “incumbent and name recognition is all that really matters” in getting re-elected, especially for a US President. Regardless of who is the pick for vice president, or whether or not Joe Biden is a Republican...

Henry Kamens

Anti-Racist Uprising Infiltrated by Extreme-Right Hooligans

The city of Minneapolis is where it all began. It is where the last drop fell on the surface of a proverbial overflowing lake, causing the dam to burst, consequently starting to destroy the foundations of the empire. A death of just one single man can, under certain dreadful circumstances, put into motion the entire avalanche of events. It can smash...

Andre Vltchek