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How the CIA “Nurtures” Zelensky’s Ukraine

My lead for this story will make some of you spit your morning coffee all over your smartphone, desktop, or tablet, so put down your cup or suffer the consequences. Uh-hum. Now, get this. The New York Times’s Adam Entous and Michael Schwirtz are convinced the CIA is a “nurturing” spy agency. Stop laughing. This is for real. It’s serious. It’s also ludicrous, of course. According to the reporters, Ukraine soldiers are being coddled, hugged, urged forward, and protected not by the billions of dollars and euros America and the EU…

Phil Butler

Who is, and who isn’t, afraid of Trump’s return?

Biden’s flowed foreign policy, i.e., its support for Ukraine and Israel’s genocidal war on Palestine, and Trump’s populism have seemingly combined into a force that might bring the former president to the White House. The possibility is no longer distant. As some latest data shows, Biden is already trailing Trump in terms of popularity. Several key states, including Arizona, Georgia, and Michigan have already swung to Trump, which means that Trump could ultimately end up winning with 277 votes…

Salman Rafi Sheikh

US and Israel complicit in barbaric acts against Palestinians in Gaza

Washington’s outright support for Israeli military action in Gaza outrages the entire world: the casualties and destruction are too great. The vast majority of the world community realises that without US patronage, such actions by Tel Aviv, bordering on genocide, would not have been possible. Continued support for Israel’s security has been a cornerstone of American foreign policy for every U.S. administration since President Harry Truman. Since Israel’s founding in 1948, the United States has provided more than $130 billion in bilateral aid, currently the U.S. provides $3.3 billion…

Vladimir Mashin