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The US-China ‘Trade War’ to become ‘War of Military Resources’ under Biden

With China being the most powerful competitor of the US in the 21st century, it is but natural to see various US administrations and the more permanent US defense establishment obsessed with China’s rise and the question of maintaining the balance to their advantage. The US, under the Trump administration, decided to confront China...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Biden Will Find The World Has Changed Since He Last Held Power

The incoming administration of United States president elect Joe Biden sends a clear signal to the world. Notwithstanding his rhetoric his list of appointments to key positions has a strongly 2008-2016 administration feel to it. The first lesson to be drawn from the Biden administration therefore is that one would be very unwise...

James ONeill

The Reason Behind Declining International Institutions

This year the world celebrated the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, seeking through its work and existence to epitomize a commitment to multilateralism in international affairs. As José Antonio Ocampo, former Colombian Minister of Finance and UN Under-Secretary-General, rightly noted, "The UN was built on three pillars: First of them – peace. Its primary goal was...

Valery Kulikov