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A Mistake to Expect Real Change From the Incoming Biden Administration

One of the great illusions being fostered by the victorious Democratic Party in the United States is that with the removal from office of Donald Trump things will return to normal. This is an illusion fostered by the incoming President Joe Biden. It is an illusion for a number of reasons. The first illusion was that the United...

James ONeill

Growing Protests Over Threat of US Bio Weapons

The spread of coronavirus infection in the world has inadvertently forced the leading powers and the UN to open their eyes to many issues and, above all, to comply with the provisions of the international Biological Weapons Convention. Before the coronavirus, Washington consistently ignored statements by official authorities in Russia, China, and the CIS states...

Vladimir Platov

The United States Seeks to Establish External Management for the CIS Countries

Due to the fact that the methodology of “color revolutions” played out on the world map ten years ago did not bring America the expected benefit and total change in the political elite of other countries under its interests, Washington actively began to develop other methods of subjugating the world. By insolently interfering in the domestic...

Valery Kulikov