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Can the Confrontation With Iran Be Resolved?

As the standoff between Iran, Israel and the United States has intensified in recent months, politicians and observers in many countries are now expressing cautious optimism that the situation will subside with the change of administration in the White House. In recent years, Washington and Tehran, not without the active encouragement of Israel, have regularly accused...

Valery Kulikov

First Reactions of Japan, India, China on the Change of Administration in the US

The first statements and telephone contacts of the new US leadership with their counterparts in Japan, India and China deserve close attention. If only because the development of the situation in the key Indo-Pacific region of the global space of the current “Great World Game” will be almost decisively determined by the state...

Vladimir Terehov

Biden Offers Russia Deep-seated Aggression and Confrontation

When the newly elected US president recently called his Russian counter-part and raised some “critical issues”, it became clear that Joe Biden’s foreign policy towards Russia in the next four years will be guided by a very traditional type of Russophobia that has been a part and parcel of US foreign policy for decades. The mainstream...

Salman Rafi Sheikh