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Not Identifying Israel and Saudi Arabia as Allies: Stupidity or Brilliant Subterfuge?

The New York Post is now flexing its muscles as the newspaper of “veracity” in the wake of Biden’s son and Ukraine and the slippery energy deals. This policy has led it to try and raise other benchmarks of “trustworthiness,” such as the recent article: “Why Jen Psaki “can’t or won’t” answer whether Israel and Saudi Arabia are ‘important allies...

Henry Kamens

Biden’s Interventionism Meets Russia-China Multilateralism

In his first major foreign policy speech, the newly elected US president made it clear that the era of US’ traditional interventionist and confrontationist policy is going to take over Donald Trump’s “America First”, a controversial policy that emphasized economic nationalism and a reduced US involvement in conflicts. In his last speech as president, Trump took a lot...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Joe Biden on Relations with China

It hardly needs explaining that the nature of relations between the two leading world powers under the new American administration (during its next four years in power will be at the center of the global political process. The last time we touched on this topic was in connection with the February 5 phone conversation between the new US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken...

Vladimir Terehov