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Respect for a Real System of International Law Long Overdue

The United States propaganda war against China took on an extra dimension recently when the New York Times published an article reflecting its ongoing war against the People’s Republic of China on 29 March 2021. The article was entitled “An Alliance of Autocracies? China wants to lead the new world order”. The article was written...

James ONeill

The End of Days Is Coming Fast and It's Ugly

The average citizen of Earth is all tied up these days. Scarcely anyone has free time to take on one more task, to truly understand what goes on in the world, or glean any meaningful benefit from world affairs. Life goes on, albeit in a more chaotic sense, as it always has. The rich get richer, as they say, and the poor get poorer. There’s a simple reason to explain it all, but humanity...

Phil Butler

Western Media's Take on Biden's First Press Conference

As expected, the White House's attempt to rehabilitate the public image of the new US president after Biden's shameful dodging of the live debate that Vladimir Putin offered his American counterpart to hold, according to international media sources, resulted in a complete fiasco. Instead of a full-fledged press conference of the newly elected American president...

Vladimir Danilov