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COVID as a Bioweapon, Hard Questions from Behind Closed Doors

Analysis of the worldwide COVID pandemic by a team of former intelligence officials from a number of nations has been ongoing for since January 2020. Findings are reported to clients under the highest security. Even the names of the clients are highly classified. A number of things are tracked and assessed using open-source material...

Gordon Duff

Yet Another Failure of the US Propaganda Policy

The “propaganda machine” has always been the driving force behind US policy, not only to effectively reduce social discontent, but also to form the state image of the United States as a state supposedly endowed with a “special mission of enlightenment,” a bearer of “true democracy,” a “savior” of states and peoples from tyranny. At the same time...

Vladimir Danilov

Can Someone Invent a Clever Use of Western Propaganda?

I want to laugh so hard, but I can’t stop crying at how ignorant people are these days. Take a recent RFE/RL story assuring all of “us” as to the reasons “why” Vladimir Putin feels so alone. Wait, stop your heads from wobbling, it gets crazier. The New York Times says Russia’s leader has been testing the world’s limits. As the pandemic that should have gone away with...

Phil Butler