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American Delusions and The Russia-China Friendship Treaty

The United States of America cannot maintain its declining power and influence in the world unless it can dominate Russia and China and it cannot dominate them so long as they are allied. Each of the two nations is a major world power, and China is soon to become, if it is not already, the dominant economic power. Divided against each other they would make...

Christopher Black

Time to Plan for a World with No ‘United States’

A game is afoot. Laws are being passed, in state after state, that disenfranchise eligible voters, tens of millions of them, not criminals or “illegal aliens” but working Americans who are now living under regional governments that have abandoned any system of justice or decency as much of America descends into fascism. There is a deeper game behind this, one easy...

Gordon Duff

Biden’s New Russia Sanctions Reverse the ‘Geneva Spirit’

While there was a lot of optimism surrounding the Biden-Putin summit in Geneva as a big leap towards re-defining US-Russia ties in an era when the US is primarily engaged with China as its leading competitor, the post summit developments have clearly shown that the rivalry between the US and Russia is too deep to be simply overcome just because the US has another...

Salman Rafi Sheikh