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US is Trying to Intensify Competition for the Arctic

In the old days, the great powers divided the world according to the old rules of sovereignty. Whoever was first to plant their flag owned the land with its resources if there was an opportunity to protect it. Today, while the polar ice in the Arctic melts at an unprecedented rate, the world's leading global actors continue to view this region as a no man's land, actively seeking...

Valery Kulikov

America Wants Neither Biden nor Trump

A year ago, a provisional count of US presidential election results identified Democrat Joe Biden as the winner, promising “massive construction and record investment at home, as well as a big American comeback on the international scene.” Although Joe Biden emphasized his political experience during the campaign, he has been constantly haunted by setbacks in the months...

Vladimir Odintsov

Biden and COP 26

It is better to produce an article on the outcome of the UN’s COP26 climate summit now, whilst it is still taking place in Glasgow, as by the time it ends on 12 November my predictions will stand in retrospect. But the first question to ask is, what is it? Why are these summits being held, other than to make world leaders feel important, and give them the opportunity to do side deals which have nothing to do...

Henry Kamens