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Biden’s Actions are Behind the Collapsing Dollar

The US dollar, as the international reserve currency, has long served as an essential medium of exchange between countries with different national currencies. To fulfil this role, a reserve currency needs to be stable, safe and easily accessible to all countries. In the 20th Century, the dollar’s international status caused it to grow in value, enabling the US to bear huge levels...

Valery Kulikov

West’s Social Networks have Outlived their Usefulness

Following the launch of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, and the west’s imposition of unilateral and legally unjustified sanctions on Russia, western social networks have been filled with a flood of misinformation leading many people around the globe to reassessing what used to be regaded as indispensable. A turning point...

Vladimir Platov

The End of United States’ World Hegemony Looms Large

Last week the Chinese Premier Chou En Lai had a telephone conversation with United States president Joe Biden. The Chinese have provided an extensive report on the conversation. It appears that the main reason for the telephone call, initiated by Biden, was to pressure the Chinese not to assist Russia its present confrontation with Ukraine. It appears from the Chinese...

James ONeill