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On the First Ministerial Meeting of IPEF Member Countries

On September 8-9, the first meeting of the trade ministers of the member countries of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity, which is oftentimes abbreviated to, for some reason, only IPEF (rather than, say, IPEFP), was held in Los Angeles. US President Joe Biden announced the very fact of this association being created on May 23 this year in Tokyo...

Vladimir Terehov

Asian and NATO Countries Get Actively Engaged in the “Battle for the Arctic”

During the Cold War, Washington and Moscow fought hard for dominance in the Arctic. But then these tensions subsided in the 1990s, a period of “rapprochement between the West and Russia”. The Arctic Council was even created, bringing the states of the region together and allowing them to coordinate...

Vladimir Danilov

Joe Biden, the US Military-Industrial Complex, and Arms Supplies to Ukraine and Taiwan

It is an open secret that money plays a decisive role in US presidential election campaigns - all those advertisements and consultancy and PR services have to be paid for. Moreover, as the Democrats’ strategy has made clear, organizing street protests and media and other Information campaigns is an expensive business...

Vladimir Platov