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Missed Yoon and Biden summit

After describing Yoon’s trip to the Anglo-Saxon world a little earlier, it is worth discussing how it affected the ROK’s relations with the US and the UK. For, although Yoon’s opponents have called it a “failure”, the situation is in fact somewhat more complicated. It cannot be said that Yoon’s trip worsened the ROK’s relations with the US or the UK. Shortly after Yoon’s return, the British Foreign Secretary...

Konstantin Asmolov

Chips and Science Act passed in the US

The adoption of the so-called “Chips Act” in the USA in August of this year, with the addition of the word “science” in the title (not accidentally, as will be discussed below), is an extremely noteworthy event from many different perspectives. And, perhaps most of all, from a political perspective. It is from this latter perspective that the Chips and Science Act 2022...

Vladimir Terehov

Debt agony throws the US against the Arab world

Due to the US administration’s policy of continuous borrowing, including to finance the armed conflict in Ukraine, amid record inflation and fears of an impending recession, public debt exceeded $31 trillion for the first time. The Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates, but tighter lending policies are causing the federal government to spend $500 billion on servicing...

Valery Kulikov