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Drones are changing the nature of armed conflicts

The last few years the use of remotely controlled unmanned aerial vehicles has radically changed the way armed conflicts are being waged. However, this approach cannot be described as new, as the first experiments with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in combat took place during the Second World War, although the technology was still in its infancy...

Vladimir Platov

US ambassadors lead in abuse of power

Against the backdrop of recent turbulent international events in various parts of the world, it is not only them that have attracted increased international and media attention, but also the various “stunts” pulled by a number of ambassadors in their political dances on the diplomatic podium. Above all, they are already known for their contemptuous and...

Vladimir Platov

Chronicle of the Taiwan Issue-12

Since the last Chronicle of the Taiwan Issue, a lot has happened both in terms of specific events and - far more - in verbal and informational space. The main focus of the world media was, of course, on the preparatory process, the course as well as the outcome of the 20th CPC National Congress as a whole and those aspects of it that touched on the Taiwan...

Vladimir Terehov