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The Financial Elite and the Global Land Grab

The global financial crisis, which began in 2008, has significantly altered the way many speculators and financial institutions invest. Rather than taking huge risks with dodgy derivatives like credit default swaps and mortgage-backed...

Eric Draitser

Flight 370: Another US Conspiracy?

On March 13, 2014 Veterans Today said they could prove Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 was “on the ground.” The mainstream media had sighted wreckage but families were calling passengers on the “downed jet” and those phones were ringing, an impossibility...

Gordon Duff

U.S. Foreign Policy: between Primarism and Retrenchmentism

A year ago there was held a remarkable discussion on this topic in the International Security Journal. It touched upon the “general line” of American Foreign Policy, which is often referred to in the U.S.A. as the “Great Strategy”. The topic itself...

Vladimir Terehov