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Pandemic Drugs Found to be Almost Useless

The joint announcement by the British Medical Journal and the Cochrane Foundation that the two influenza drugs being stockpiled in the event of a pandemic are, in fact, little better than acetaminophen, raises some serious questions...

Janet Phelan

Fake States and Real Problems

There are many more countries in the world than the two to three hundred generally recognised. There are countries which are only recognised by a few others, and thus do not have seats at the UN: Northern Cyprus, Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Tibet...

Seth Ferris

The Domino Effect, Kosovo, Crimea, China…

So, how did it all begin? On 17 February 2008, the autonomous parliament of Kosovo issued a unilateral declaration of sovereignty. On 22 July 2010, the UN International Court recognized the legitimacy of the Kosovo authorities...

Konstantin Penzev