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Shale Gas: Another White House Lie

The world has long accepted that in the name of world domination, Washington often resorts to a policy of lies and is ready to sacrifice the fundamental interests of residents in other nations. In aiming for world hegemony, it does not hesitate to...

Vladimir Odintsov

The White House's Nazis

Among Washington's most unsavory allies could be counted the unelected hereditary regime of Saudi Arabia, the homophobic, violent mobs of Thaksin Shinawatra in Thailand, and of course Al Qaeda who has been serving America's geopolitical agenda since...

Tony Cartalucci

Washington‘s Shale Boom Going Bust

To read the headlines, it seems that the USA has emerged out of the blue to the point of becoming the world’s oil and gas production giant. All thanks to the Shale Revolution. Recently President Obama made various noises that the US could solve the Ukraine gas...

F. William Engdahl