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Legislating the Way to World War 3?

The US Congress is doing its part to escalate the tensions with Russia over Ukraine and a host of other issues. In so doing, the legislative and executive branches of the US Government work hand in glove to further the US-NATO agenda in Eastern Europe.

Eric Draitser

So, You Want to Know the Truth About 9/11?

In recent weeks, intelligence agencies of France, Russia and Britain along with key members of the UN’s nuclear non-proliferation organization, the IAEA, have leaked critical documents outlining not only that 9/11 was a nuclear event but the science and...

Gordon Duff

Neutralism in modern conditions

Most people tend to take a neutral position in relation to the various parties who are embroiled in a conflict. Moreover, the very essence of neutrality can be of a different nature, i.e. one may walk past a street fight, stop and take a look or even attempt to intervene...

Vladimir Terehov