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Obama v. Putin - A Tale of a Posturing President

Less than two weeks ago President Obama, sitting for an interview with The Economist magazine, basically went ‘old school’ on President Putin, dismissing his Presidency, his country, and the future of both. While his words were certainly...

Matthew Crosston

Cold War Think Tanks: Back to Business

2014 is starting to look and sound and feel an awful lot like 1964. If you find yourself sitting at home wondering how 50 years could go by with so much historical change and global shifting and yet still end up basically back at the starting...

Matthew Crosston

Is an Airborne Biological Weapons Release Imminent?

A surprise drill in New York City has the authorities scrambling to address an anthrax attack; MERS is reported to have mutated and is now airborne; Ebola is now being discussed as a major airborne threat to the US population - these stories hit the...

Janet Phelan