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The Dance of Deception: The US Holocaust Museum Сaught Сovering Up Genocide

Question: What do Holocaust survivor and author Elie Wiesel, neo-con darling and former Department of Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff and Mormon US Senator Orrin Hatch have in common?

Janet Phelan

9/11 Plus Thirteen, A Decline Into Madness

Another anniversary of 9/11 has just passed. The media inside the US has been inundated with a flurry of Islamophobic missives with contrived conspiracy theories custom designed to resell a narrative no rational person accepts. The...

Gordon Duff

The GMO Labeling Conundrum

It would seem that large agricultural corporations touting genetically modified organisms (GMOs they claim possess enhanced benefits for farmers and consumers would be proud to differentiate their products on the shelves from organic and traditionally produced food. However...

Ulson Gunnar