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Has Washington Just Shot Itself in the Oily Foot?

By now even the New York Times is openly talking about the secret Obama Administration strategy of trying to bankrupt Russia by using its oil-bloated Bedouin bosom buddy, Saudi Arabia, to collapse the world price of oil. However, it’s beginning to look like...

F. William Engdahl

White House is Planning to Conquer Cyberspace with its "Plan X"

In recent years, the White House has intensified its efforts to ensure its global domination trough various means, like waging cyber warfare against its political opponents. In the Middle East, Central Asia, and Ukraine, Washington is carrying out offensive...

Vladimir Platov

The American Failure behind ‘Grand Strategic Cultures’ and Modern Conflict

This work is about how a specific conceptualization of ‘culture’ in intelligence studies, amongst scholars at first but subsequently practitioners as well, has taken on too powerful a role, one that has become too restrictive in its impact on thinking about other intelligence communities, especially non-Western ones.

Matthew Crosston