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Justice is Lynched in Ferguson

The Missouri grand jury has spoken on the Ferguson shooting. All the hype about a 6’4” 320-pound young black man being victimized by a racist police officer was all lies. There was not a shred of evidence presented to the grand jury that substantiated one of the bogus...

Jim Dean

Freedom of Association: Why Independence Has Become the Preserve of the Far Right

For almost all of human history there have been Empires. Even in the ancient world there was a distinction between “kings” and “great kings”, i.e. those who ran a mere country and those who had acquired an empire. Now, almost...

Seth Ferris

All That Glitters Isn't Gold, Even Gold

In times of socioeconomic turmoil, gold receives renewed interest. It is seen as a means of exchange with enduring value that can transcend the various currencies that generally displace its use during times of economic growth and stability. However...

Ulson Gunnar