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Cuban Resistance: An Example for the World

The ink on the agreement to normalise diplomatic relations between the United Sates and Cuba announced on December 17th, 2014 is barely dry and already the objective of the United States has been made clear in the statement of President Obama made on that day and...

Christopher Black

Human Rights and Democracy: Venezuela vs. USA

The US Congress has announced new economic sanctions against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The new law contains a list of Venezuelan officials said to be “violating human rights.” These Venezuelan officials will have their assets..

Caleb Maupin

Facebook: Colonialism 2.0

The Western media has attempted to portray Mark Zuckerberg's ambitious plan to get every human being online as altruistic at first, but later revealed as simply what could be called "profitable empathy." In reality however, the truth is much more sinister, with Facebook already revealed to be much more than a mere corporation run by Zuckerberg and his... 

Tony Cartalucci