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Food Conspiracy: What Do We Eat?

The last several decades witnessed a rapid growth of the world's population. This has put particular stress on global food security, demanding special attention from everyone including leading nations to some of the poorest states on Earth. Under the influence of...

Vladimir Platov

The Global De-dollarization and the US Policies

In its quest for world domination, which the White House has been pursuing for more than a century, it relied on two primary tools: the US dollar and military might. In order to prevent Washington from establishing complete global hegemony, certain...

Vladimir Odintsov

Social Media Giants Adopt “Mob Rule” Tactics

The recent decisions by social media giants Facebook and LinkedIn to adopt user crowd-censoring strategies may be less than benevolent. According to its recent announcement, Facebook will employ an algorithm, based ostensibly on the numbers of user-generated...

Janet Phelan