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"Devil's Weed" is Getting Legal in the US

There's been a number of reports lately concerning an unprecedented growth of drug production and trafficking in Afghanistan that manifested itself during the ongoing US military campaign in this country. The stated reasons are a plenty including voiced concerns of the US...

Valery Kulikov

Jade Helm, An Admission of American Failure

America’s military and foreign policy failures are countless and stacking up every day. There is little question anymore that excessive dependence on private contractors, the influence of the Israel and other powerful lobbies and a bifurcated command structure with rogue...

Gordon Duff

Vaccines and National Security

One can easily see in the emerging information and cyber war that a nation having its own IT infrastructure, its own hardware, and its own versions of social media platforms is quickly becoming a matter of national security. Without control over these assets, a nation must...

Ulson Gunnar