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The Fall of Traditional Values in Modern America

The United States, spreading its model of "democracy", including by armed force in the Middle East and other regions of the world, is usually very sensitive about any criticism of the American way of life, seeing it as its enemies’ "attempt to discredit...

Vladimir Odintsov

The CIA and Human Experiments

We used to think that cruel and inhuman experiments on human beings were conducted only in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. However, unfortunately, we ever more often find out that such experiments are performed almost regularly in the United States by US...

Vladimir Platov

New Technologies for Those Who Live to See Them

In one interview with Sergei Glaziev, President Putin’s advisor, said that we are now dealing with the transition from one economic system to another. The new system is humanitarian in nature and thus could avoid a war because the main carriers of growth on...

Konrad Stachnio