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America – the Land of the Heavily Armed

Thanksgiving – it’s one of the major holidays in the US, though there’s not many who are aware of its roots which lie deep in American history. When in 1620 the Pilgrims reached the shores of America in present-day Massachusetts they had already exhausted their...

Vladimir Odintsov

Kerry's Double Assisted Suicide: Russia Oil Gains, America Loses from Sanctions

Secretary John Kerry and friends have managed what can only be called a brilliant double suicide. The September 2014 deal with Saudi Arabia to crash oil prices, then at $103 a barrel for US WTI grade crude oil...

F. William Engdahl

Revolution is On Doorstep in the US

President Obama just like any other US politician is particularly keen on criticizing human rights situations in other countries, while glorifying the ideals of “American-style democracy.” Moreover, these topics are not simply the prime topic of his speeches...

Valery Kulikov