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The Strange Case of the Syrian Opposition

US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter has cited concerns that Russia may be hitting the wrong targets in Syria. Does Carter believe that a Syrian opposition group utterly and absolutely divorced from terrorist allegiances exists?  Recent maps including one released by the UK Telegraph on...

Gordon Duff

Free Speech Watch: Prior Restraint Makes a Comeback as US Courts Seek to Squelch Dissent

Barbara Stone was only able to get out of jail when she agreed to stop blogging. Patty Reid is on the lam. Cary-Andrew Crittenden may be facing...

Janet Phelan

US Upstaged at UN General Assembly — Who's to Blame?

The UN General Assembly this year celebrated its 70th anniversary which is why more leaders than usual attended and participated. While the speeches were typical and mostly irrelevant for people already well-informed about world...

Tony Cartalucci