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Is the Oregon Occupation Being Stage-Managed?

US and international media have been abuzz in recent days with the ongoing armed occupation at the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. The social media space has been, quite predictably, polarized with many on the far right...

Eric Draitser

“Deadly Gifts” from the United States a Threat to Humanity

A recent article in The Wall Street Journal, which stated that in preparations for the NATO exercises in Europe an American Hellfire missile was mistakenly delivered to Cuba in 2014, can hardly surprise anyone. It matters little...

Vladimir Platov

The Secret Oil War Has Begun

We have seen it before, more often than we can guess, manipulated events, phony confrontations, false flag terrorism, staged mass killings and a cast of characters, financial “titans,” sleazy Washington types along with admirals and generals festooned and bespeckled with phony decorations...

Gordon Duff