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Washington’s Machiavellian Game in Syria

One of my often-cited sayings is around 2,500 years old. It's from the respected Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu in his small masterpiece, The Art of War. For centuries it's been one of the most influential strategy writings not only in Asia, but also...

F. William Engdahl

2016: The Year We Realized It’s 1984

The state of most media today is sad, pitiful, and hopelessly unbelievable. From BBC to the New York Times, any semblance of believability is gone. What makes matters worse though, are what amount to popularity factions in social media. The information...

Phil Butler

The Zika and HINI - Nothing Controversial Here, Move On

In my article published in July last year entitled ‘Why Does Pentagon Need Laboratories in Ukraine? I wrote: ‘The next stage of development of Ukrainian democracy might be an accidental outbreak of a virus’. And here we go: ‘More than 20 Ukrainian...

Konrad Stachnio