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Top CIA Objective: Fracture The Eurasian Bloc

Presidential Candidate Donald Trump is known for being very crass and rude. However, he also has a way of openly stating what other billionaires are thinking, but are afraid to say out loud. In one of his earliest interviews, Trump stated a concern...

Caleb Maupin

Flashback: Top Journalist Exposes How Intelligence Agencies Control Western Media

In an age where information warfare is one of the most critical and well-financed areas of warfare, the revelation in 2014 by a former...

Steven MacMillan

US: Entering the Panic Mode

Presidential politics in the US are leading to a potentially dark future, not just for the US, but to a collapse of NATO and the EU as well. Moves are afoot by the ultra-powerful lobbying machine of the new anti-US alliance of Israel, Turkey and...

Gordon Duff