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Bayer and Monsanto: A Marriage Made in Hell

In a world infected with a plethora of immoral multinational corporations, it is hard to think of two corporations who have more nefarious histories than Bayer AG and Monsanto. Considering this, it is a harrowing...

Steven MacMillan

Obama's 'Killer' Policies May Be Carried On by His Political Twin

Those American citizens that have put their trust in Barack Obama back when he was running for president must be infinitely disappointed while reading countless articles about Obama’s actual policies. These are not just failures, but...

Martin Berger

Policy by Lies, America’s Descent Into Insanity

Few Americans know what they have lost. Few understand to what extent they have been victimized by something far beyond a police state, far beyond simple surveillance, far beyond the obvious loss or rights and privacy that some accepted so...

Gordon Duff