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Washington Tries to Break BRICS - Rape of Brazil Begins

Washington’s regime change machinery has for the time being succeeded in removing an important link in the alliance of large emerging nations by railroading through a Senate impeachment of the duly...

F. William Engdahl

On America’s Manufactured Ideals

What if I could prove to every American family their children were being brainwashed at every level of education? What if unwitting mothers and fathers worked the live-long-day to try and provide a better future for their kids, only...

Phil Butler

Washington's Gross Negligence or Deliberate Provocation?

On September 17, 2016, air force of the US-led western coalition bombed Syrian army positions near the town of Deir ez-Zor along the Syrian-Iraqi border region. Four combat F-16 and A-10 aircraft carried out the air raid, in direct...

Stanislav Ivanov