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Trump Goes Down in Flames on Fake Taping Claims

“Just societies cannot be run by big money or armed forces with their too narrow agendas.” - Plato. Trump had good advice to be out of Washington on the House Intelligence Committee hearing day, as he got so roasted that they...

Jim Dean

The New New Left’s Calls for Civil War in America

Not long ago many conservatives predicted an American “melt-down” if Hillary Clinton won the White House. Today, the Democrats who are backed by massive corporate interest, they have our nation on the brink of civil war. Radical thugs at Berkley...

Phil Butler

The Danger of Underestimating the CIA’s Web of Control

WikiLeaks allegations of CIA surveillance miss several key points needed to understand events as they transpire.  CIA surveillance, under special powers given that organization in 1947 and approved by Congress in still classified...

Gordon Duff