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The West's War on Free Speech

With a name like the "National Democratic Institute" (NDI one might expect the US State Department-funded, corporate-financier chaired front to be the premier proponent of freedom and democracy worldwide. And although it poses as such, it does precisely the opposite. It uses principles like...

Tony Cartalucci

The Military-Industrial Complex is in Love with Trump

Trump’s first trip to a foreign country as US President was anything but dull. During his time in Saudi Arabia, there was sword dancing, glowing orb madness and a whole other host...

Steven MacMillan

Will Firing Comey Blow up in Trump’s face?

The jury is still out on how much damage the surprise firing of FBI Director Comey will have on the battered Trump administration. The last things we need are more major distractions and poor decisions from a White House in...

Jim Dean