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Trump and Climate Change: Making America Small Again

So he did it. Donald Trump has pulled out of the Paris Climate Change Agreement, thus refusing to abide by the clauses most of the world has signed up to. He has thus put the US in the same camp as Syria, which can't very well...

Seth Ferris

Should A President be on Twitter?

On May 3, 2017, Tennessee Republican Senator Bob Corker publicly demanded that the US president be banned from using his iPhone. This was after, several hours earlier, the US president had suggested on his Twitter that the work of the US government be halted in September, “I think...

Konstantin Asmolov

America's Propaganda Central is Going to Cash in Big

Recently, political agitation along with economic pressure applied against potential adversaries has become a tool of choice in Washington's foreign policy. Thus the US has transformed the world into yet another battlefield, where...

Grete Mautner