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Identity Politics as ‘Crisis Actors’ Engage in Prelude to New American Civil War

As we have all seen on the news, an effort is underway to remove statues and other remembrances of people who fought on the losing side in the US Civil War. This has attracted a lot of publicity due...

Henry Kamens

A Sinister War on Our Right to Hold Cash

An operation that began as a seemingly obscure academic discussion three years ago is now becoming a full-blown propaganda campaign by some of the most powerful institutions in the industrialized world. This is what rightly should...

F. William Engdahl

Ukraine and NK Missile Engines: Anyone's Game for Ukrainian Sanctions, Donald?

So that's it! Now we know everything. The Great Explanation, long hidden from us for national security reasons, has suddenly been brought to our attention just when we need it. All we need to do is read about the rocket...

Henry Kamens