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NAFTA: A Third Failure?

The most obvious and significant evidence of radical changes in the world order (which began with the ascension of the new administration of the United States is the effective collapse of two regional partnerships: the Transatlantic...

Vladimir Terehov

The Alt Right and the Arithmetic of Race

This past week one of the leaders of the Alt-Right, Richard Spencer was scheduled to give a speech at the University of Florida in Gainesville, and I wondered why the only reports stated that the governor of Florida had called...

Deena Stryker

Oxford Propaganda Front Attacks Veterans Today, the NeoCon Witch Hunt Begins

A “hit piece” based on an “Oxford Study” on an obscure publication known as Veterans Today, was recently covered in America’s right-wing press. The publication, certainly obscure in all but military and intelligence circles was accused of being...

Gordon Duff