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Washington’s Think Tank Terrorists

A Brookings paper widely cited as attacking the relationship between Saudi Arabia and ISIS, sets a new standard for propaganda. Upon reading, How States Exploit Jihadists Foreign Fighters, turns reality on its head, blaming the victims, nations like Pakistan and Syria...

Gordon Duff

Killing Us Softly—Glyphosate Herbicide or Genocide?

One of the more bizarre actions in terms of the health and safety of EU citizens is the saga of Monsanto and its toxic herbicide or weed-killer, Roundup, the most widely used weed-killer on the planet. On October 25, 2017 the European...

F. William Engdahl

Trump and Russia, the Unasked Questions

Is US President Donald Trump being blackmailed by Russia? This is the real question not just the American public is asking, with Trump’s approval rating hovering near 30%, but one being asked around the world. To answer this, we need...

Gordon Duff