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Bill Gates: Captain Capitalism for the Liberal World Order

What role do the technocrats play in the U.S. enfranchised “Liberal World Order” we’ve read so much about? We all know well, by now, the immensely powerful foes of independent thinking in the world. Here’s a short take on Bill Gates, one of the most...

Phil Butler

Trade Wars: United States Cupports EU Over China

The ink of the signatures at the bottom of several bilateral agreements on economic cooperation for an impressive amount over USD 250 billion concluded during a recent visit to China by U.S. President D. Trump had barely dried, when another coolness came in relations...

Vladimir Terehov

The Face of the Enemy – Yesterday and Today

Over the last few centuries, roughly after the Peace of Westphalia when the borders of states were determined after unceasing and bloody wars, Russia with her vast territory, seas, rivers, forests, natural riches, brilliant composers, writers and, most importantly, her people...

Veniamin Popov