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Does the Narcotics Trade Influence US Global Policy?

Few who look at the US occupation of Afghanistan, can do so without considering a few realities. When America entered Afghanistan in 2001, reality began to distort. America’s allies on the ground were call the “Northern Alliance.” In actuality, they were Uzbek and...

Gordon Duff

America's Moral Authority No More

The recent chain of events in the UN General Assembly has clearly shown that the world is not just no longer willing to obey Washington's global dictate, it's now fully aware of the decline in America's moral authority that allowed it to play a part in solving global challenges...

Martin Berger

New Year's Message and Warning from a War Correspondent

Sometimes it is useful to take a break from news bulletins and newspapers, and even from ‘friendly’ Internet publications. Occasionally it is good to realize that there are actually two parallel realities that are constantly competing for the ‘hearts and minds’ of people living all...

Andre Vltchek