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“Austerity” Big Buzz Word – But Who Really Benefits? Giant Ponzi Scheme!

Last week the US endured a stock market crash which wiped 1,000 points off the Dow Jones Index. Following that, the US government shut down for the second time in two monthsIf this happened anywhere else, one of two things would happen. Either the US would declare these...

Seth Ferris

America the Exceptional

Xenia Sobchak was a guest on Morning Joe today, declaring, in perfect English, that she represents those Russians who want their country to be more like the US, (which calls itself exceptional. Her interview came as Congress miraculously avoided a ‘shutdown’ of the US government...

Deena Stryker

The Notorious 1% is Getting Increasingly Childophobic

Most Americans are now growing tired of the constant Russophobic hysteria that has become somewhat commonplace in the Western media. Allegedly, it's been provoked by the so-called "Russian interference in the 2016 US elections" that no one can explain or prove. However, what most Americans...

Grete Mautner