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What Does Pompeo’s Rise Mean for the Middle East?

Replacement of Rex Tillerson with Mike Pompeo in the US government doesn’t simply mean a simple replacement of one secretary of state with another; it illustrates, in significant ways, a subtle yet certain change in the US policy with regard…
Salman Rafi Sheikh

Mueller and Trump, Why Russia Didn’t Do It

Analysis of the Mueller investigation has shown what too many of us have known all along. Former FBI Director Robert Mueller is just another “useful idiot.” His Russia investigation is simply a coverup of the real rigging of the American…
Gordon Duff

A New State-Destroying Epidemic is Sweeping the US

Today we're witnessing an unprecedented epidemic going rampant across the United States, and in spite of what Judge Robert Mueller and his Russophobe friends may tell you, it has nothing to do with Russia. An ever increasing number of Americans…
Martin Berger