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Facebook Caught Profiling American Traitors – Russia and Putin Blamed!

In this report, I want to accomplish two goals. First, I want to come out and admit that I often wonder what it is like to be totally devoid of intelligence and good character and to possess only one paramount and defining trace of good...

Phil Butler

Russia and the Redemption of the FBI

Historically, Russia has much to fear. From the beginning of the 20th century onward, starting with the Russo-Japanese war and the century of death that plagued Russia above all nations, there is little question that Russia’s great size and wealth have placed a bullseye on her. The real question facing Russia is Donald Trump. Trump’s words...

Gordon Duff

Trump’s Exposure to History

July 14th marks the one year anniversary of President Trump witnessing France’s Bastille Day parade alongside President Emanuel Macron. Just as he is being shown on television alongside Queen Elizabeth reviewing the Royal Guard, reporters break in to announce that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has indicted...

Deena Stryker