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Doctor Who Ran Biowarfare Unit Faces Sentencing

Dr. Wouter Basson, who headed up Project Coast, the biological and chemical warfare unit under South Africa's apartheid government in the 1980's, will face sentencing by the Health Professions Council of South Africa on June 5. Basson (dubbed “Dr. Death” by...

Janet Phelan

Egypt turns a new page in history

The May 26-28, 2014 early Presidential elections in Egypt have once again turned the eyes of the global community to this country. It should be noted that the Arab Republic of Egypt is situated in a fairly important geographic location on the border of Europe, Asia and Africa...

Stanislav Ivanov

West Hangs Syrian-Style War Over Egypt's Future

The report would also claim that a "Free Egyptian Army" was being prepared in neighboring Libya along the Libyan-Egyptian border, where the epicenter of heavily armed sectarian extremists from Al Qaeda's Libyan Islamic..

Tony Cartalucci