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Refugees as Weapons in a Propaganda War

In the wake of the horrific terror attacks in Paris, world attention will once again be focused on the issue of refugees entering Europe. While much of the spotlight has been rightly pointed at Syrian refugees fleeing the western-sponsored war...

Eric Draitser

A321 Crash: The Qatari Trace

Recently, a number of Western journals have been trying to persuade readers that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “war” in Syria is aimed at diverting public attention in Russia from the complex social and economic problems that have been caused by falling...

Vladimir Simonov

The Mistrals Acquire an Official Residence

The fate of two Mistral helicopter carriers, ordered by Russia and built by France, but not transferred to Russia for political reasons, seems to have finally been solved. The Elysee Palace announced that a principle agreement has been reached for their sale...

Vladimir Belyakov