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Is Algeria the Litmus Test for Modern Colonialism?

Once the central hub of Carthaginian power in ancient times, Algeria today is one of Africa’s most prosperous nations. However, prosperity these days comes at a heavy cost to the people of the world, and Algerians are mightily weighed down like most other nations by greedy...

Phil Butler

Jihadism Spreads like Wildfire Across Africa

In recent years, the discussion about the rapid spread of Islamic radicalism across Africa has been consistently making front pages of most of the local and international media sources. Among the most active and most radical terrorist organizations operating in Africa one can single out Boko Haram...

Pavel Nastin

Russian Peaceful Atom is Supporting Peace in Africa

As is well-known, Russia is one of the most popular suppliers of nuclear technologies. The experience and high safety standards of Russian nuclear specialists are recognised throughout the world. Many developing countries in Africa...

Dmitry Bokarev