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Central African Republic — Some Mata Hari Action Going Down

If you are in the mood for a good yarn, you’ll find writer Dionne Searcey weaves a sizzler of a spicy tale of Russian intrigue and skullduggery in her New York Times story “Gems, Warlords and Mercenaries: Russia’s Playbook in Central African Republic.” The sexy-sleazy thriller...

Phil Butler

Egypt is being Targeted Again

Since September 20, Egypt’s government has been facing a new challenge in the form of massive anti-government demonstrations demanding the resignation of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi both in the capital, and in such cities as Alexandria, Suez, El Mansour, and Helwan. So far, there’s been two major waves of protests, but additional waves seem to be just...

Valery Kulikov

Russia and Algeria: Decades of Friendship and Military and Technical Cooperation

Algeria, a large Arab country in North Africa, has had a friendly relationship with the Russian Federation for quite some time. In 1960, during a bloody 8-year war for Algerian independence from France, the Soviet Union recognized the Provisional Government of the Algerian...

Dmitry Bokarev