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Russia and Africa: First Steps Towards the Initial Phase of Cooperation

The Russia-Africa Summit and Economic Forum, held in Sochi (in the Russian Federation from 23 to 24 October 2019, became an important milestone on the path of the development of the Russia-Africa relationship. All the leaders of African nations (that are recognized...

Dmitry Bokarev

Will Sudan Escape American Chains?

On December 6, 2019, Sudanese Prime Minister Hamdok announced that Sudan will be pulling all remaining troops out of Yemen. Under the Bashir regime, in a secret agreement between Israel, Saudi Arabia and Trump, Sudan moved up to 40,000 troops into Yemen with 4000 being killed there, fighting alongside al Qaeda and Columbian...

Gordon Duff

On the Situation in Tunisia

A new Tunisian government had essentially been formed by mid-November 2019, and Tunisians have high hopes for it. In October, former professor of law Kais Saied won the presidential election with a landslide victory. The incumbent President was born in 1958 and served as Secretary-General of the Tunisian Association of Constitutional Law. President...

Veniamin Popov