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Chancellor Scholz Tried to Get Germany IInvolved in the Battle for Africa

Against the backdrop of France’s recent blatant failures on the African continent, whose inhabitants are increasingly determined to throw off the shackles of modern French neocolonialism, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz decided to seize the moment and use the French vacuum in Africa to strengthen Germany’s position there. To this end...

Vladimir Danilov

Why is Eritrea Supporting Russia?

After the Russian Federation launched a special military operation to de-Nazify Ukraine, there have been quite a few participants in the international community who turned out to be ready to openly support the Kremlin. A new force has appeared among those that always approve of Russia’s actions (Belarus, Syria, and North Korea) - a small state on the African continent...

Dmitry Bokarev

Cameroon and Russia Start Working More Closely Together

Despite the distances that separate the two regions, Russia and Africa have been bound together by close political, economic and cultural ties for many decades. In the West, African nations tend to be associated with poverty and a lack of development, and receive little media coverage, but in reality many countries on the continent have experienced...

Vladimir Danilov